Kamis, 22 November 2012

Lintrik Witchcraft

 Science facts LintrikScience is a science Pengasihan lintrik high level media Ceki cards or playing cards (cards dutch), which is used for science or witchcraft mempelet someone to fall in love so remember continue at any moment to anyone who has mempeletnya. This science is a kind of science's most famous Pengasihan Javanese society, especially in East Java, where science is believed to have magic power very powerful compared to other types Pengasihan science and science level witchcraft.
Science is mostly owned by the shaman women, but also many shamans lintrik the men. People affected lintrik science will continue to remember the person who has used her point, and if it does not meet with the person he would dizzy head and very depressed mind to want to meet. And if you've met the person in question will be immediately relieved, but if it will split again extremely dizzy again, and so on. But those affected by the attacks lintrik certainly reluctant to treat, because it is the influence of science.
Science is able to repatriate a person who was outside the country quickly, for example, was working as migrant workers or migrant workers abroad. People will be sick and dizzy head thinking if it does not immediately go home to meet people who have menguna-to him, but he did not feel that was used-to. Even the people affected will lintrik looked dazed or confused, as is often the case rumors about the science of pellets this legendary island of Java.
The origin of Sciences lintrikScience is not known since when science is used, but at least we can be sure that this science has existed since the Dutch colonial era, because science is wearing Dutch media cards (playing cards). Science lintrik commonly dubbed as black magic, because it uses the power of spirits or demons. This knowledge is demonstrated by means of burning incense to bring spirits to be consulted by the shaman.
In Javanese society, often circulated myth that a person has knowledge lintrik divorce and so on. But many people do not believe that Java will it, because the story does not quite make sense or superstition. But after all this science is still believed to exist and its value is recognized by many people. A shaman lintrik be more famous names than ten ordinary shamans.
Science is studied in a way that is not too difficult, because only capital bravery. Someone who studied lintrik only takes a month to do the ritual absorption of knowledge with the guidance of a teacher. But before the student has to get a lesson on ways to practice their knowledge in the future, by memorizing how to calculate the forecast using the dutch card or cards. Where these forecasts will serve to determine whether the victim has been exposed to science or not.
Actually forecast lintrik version using the Dutch card is merely psychological lessons to train sensitivity or sharpness of the mind of a student to read someone's mind remotely. So he can foresee other people's minds because of the psychological skills that have been trained, not because science lintriknya. So lintrik real science only serves to influence the minds of people from a distance, not to predict the victim.
Learning Ritual Science LintrikPupils are guided by a teacher to master this science must steal lintrik playing cards using the left hand, is more advisable steals on Friday and stolen card is a card that would be used over gambling. Loot card should not be seen by the opposite sex forever. If it ever dilhat playing cards by the opposite sex after stolen, then science lintriknya not be efficacious or not powerful at all.
Done stealing cards, next Friday night ritual knowledge absorption begins. Recommended ritual held on Friday evening or Friday legi kliwon, because both days were believed to have its own advantages. At midnight the student walking backward toward the grave by the naked holding playing cards wrapped in a shroud mori or the rest of the dead ex. Playing cards held with the left hand and not be seen until the first ritual is completed.
Once dikuburan, card planted one inch deep in one of the tombs belonged to a shaman lintrik also deceased, in terms of Java called nyecep ngelmu (suck science). At the time of this ritual should not be no one to see, including the teacher himself. Finish planting of playing cards a former shaman burial lintrik, new home should walk forward as usual, but it should not meet with anyone until the teacher arrives home.
At night jum; at the same time next month again held the second ritual, the cards are finished making planted for a month to take home. Rituals performed the same as the first ritual, the barefoot and walking backward with no one who saw it. This second ritual is the key to the success of graduation or a student to gain knowledge lintrik. This second ritual will fail or canceled if the student fled when he saw the ghosts grave dwellers who want to greet him. But it's just temptation, but sometimes people can run lelaku by the fear that is in himself, because he saw the trees will look like a ghost because of her fears. Therefore people who studied this should get adequate mental penggemblengan from the teacher, because science is capitalized courage.
Done ritual of playing cards that have been slightly damaged due to be planted during this month will be the ritual again by the teacher, in terms of Java Card is being cooked. That card is placed in the gendok (basin made of clay that contains rice bran) and given offerings and burned incense. Done this last ritual card is ready to use for anyone to use-will be stored and can not be seen by the opposite sex. If you want to menguna-to person, the card is pretty mixed together photos or clothes is a given offerings and burned incense and chanting certain, then the person in question will be affected knowledge.
Cards that have been cooked can be traded to other types, and can be used to of using any kind, as long as has not been seen by the opposite sex. This card can also be used to treat people affected by lintrik or any of quack science Pengasihan others. In addition, this card also has the magic power of the other to its owner, the power in the punch. While some people say that the card owner lintrik if hitting people may vomit blood or some kind of witchcraft.
How to Avoid Attacks LintrikLintrik is in the category of sorcery, which is recognized in Islamic teachings about the existence of magic. To avoid being hit by lintrik from someone who wanted to bully us, there are two kinds of the most basic thing to do.
First, we need to draw closer to God both physically and spiritually, because the closer to God is the most secure.Secondly, we must be able to maintain behavior towards fellow human beings, especially the words that offend the opposite sex, be it for men or women. Because speech is a powerful weapon that can save us, and also may harm us.

Lintrik is one of the science of pellets that have been known in the island of Java, where, how its performance using playing cards as alatnaya media. Science lintrik by some people believed to have magical powers were so great, I wonder if lintrik attracted many people.
That science lintrik People affected will continue to remember the person who has used the point, when it did not meet with that person then he will experience dizziness, depressed thoughts continue untuksegera meet. However, when it meets with the person in question will be immediately relieved, but if it will split again experience dizziness back as usual before the meeting.
When science lintrik had entered, as the terkenak okan lintrik was like a daze, but thinking about something and he was conscious.

 The enormity of the magical powers contained in lintrik science, making the terkenak lintrik attacks will certainly reluctant and did not even want to be treated, because it is the influence of the discipline.
The influence of the power of very strong lintrik To avoid being exposed lintrik from someone, there are some simple ways to be done in order to avoid lintrik science, namely: As often as possible to get closer to God the almighty one both physically and spiritually. And as a social human being should be able to maintain behavior towards fellow human beings, especially words that offend the opposite sex, be it for men or women. Because speech is a powerful weapon that can save us, and also may harm us. 
That, little ways to avoid lintrik science
In the meantime, to treat people who already terkenak science can only mensarankan lintrik him to immediately be brought to people for the smart or the paranormal.