Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Science pangkanang.

Science is the science of pellets pangkanang dreaded rare and only owned by those special custom / descendants still Dayak Hero or commander.
Studies specifically reacted pellets infiltrated the Liver, Heart and Mind. Make people who are subject to the destination you desire love, remember crying miss recollected crazy. (no fasting \ without restrictions)


- photos

- Glass coaster

- turmeric

- Rice 3 eggs

- menyan


"Bismillahirahmanirrahiim wilimuning ratsimajini Allah latineung kurajuti heart hearts, minds no lust no wills must submit love love lust longing remember crying whimpers recollected crazy love on me right god allah rights"


science is recommended starting Friday at 0:00 before starting wash up minimal arm elbow Burn incense legs at the knees rotate around the body break 7x then pinch turmeric-pinch up out of the water. Combine 3 grains of rice to saffron to yellow while imagining the target face and then wrapped in rice paper with input input 3 point stance photo, then reversed so that the picture becomes glass tebalik asapi glass, photo, white rice with incense to store the index and middle finger right up the ass glasses, read science 14x, 49x depending on the dose until you want to read.

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Pelet Sinduka

……… TI ILIR KEPASIR KUMBANG DAYA AWAK ING PANGARIKUN SUKMA SEJATINE SI….…………(Mention the Name of that target and his mother) WANATUL JIN

Science is science that is very effective to make the person we are headed with our wet dreams. Simply read the spell before you sleep while imagining the person you want. then try immediately to sleep, he dreams you too.

Pellet Asmara Tantra

Science / Ajian if addressed to a person, the person who would dream destination you are having sex with your dream.


Perform a clean bathroom / shower / kramas afternoon. Intention bath:

At night when you go to bed, do pray urination 2 rokaat After greeting you first concentration is to calm the mind; mind as calm as possible. If you're feeling calm; steady, and awarded Surat Al-Fatihah to you going: KHUSUSON ILA RUKHI SIJABANG BAYI ……..  (let's call her daughter her name / if you do not know the name of her daughter "Eve") and read Surat Al-Fatiha 1x. Spell and read as much as 41x your intention addressed to him.


Then you sleep. Do ritual last for 3 nights in a row should not be broken. 

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Science loving voice

y mastering Pellet Media Studies or Speech Sounds, you'll be easy to influence others with words or your words, this powerful science can be used to conguered all to the person you want Submission, submit was supervised, love, and pity, and according to the command you.

Pellet Science Media is Not Sound Science uses hypnosis suggestions, but science is science or Pengasihan pellets that have high strength with speech or sound media, and does not require suggestions. Science is to influence people to according and subject, so that people who listen to your voice so people will have a sense of Asih, sympathetic, love and love, so it will be according to your commands.

Srikandi abang yo lakinira si arjuno, adegku togog lungguhku semar, teka welas teka asih jabang bayine........ 

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Science Twist Pepper Pellets

Besides being able to arouse sexual gaerah, twist pepper pellets are also able to bring a sense of affection and love for the ladies.
That benefit directly from the twist of pepper pellets when used by men.
Here we will explain ways to use the pepper pellets twist.

Take 1 piece of pepper that has been prepared beforehand.
Put by clamping between the fingers of both your right hand, which is clamped between the middle finger and thumb.
Bring forward your mouth. then recite the mantra peletnya 3 times. After reading last breath breathed as much as 3 times as well on the pepper that is still clamped with two fingers.
Please note, pepper, blowing with the breath of his mouth. Simultaneously breaths also directed to the woman who was about to go. And be careful in doing this should not be no one else is looking.
Further down your hand from the front of the mouth. Then started to twist the pepper was. Keep in mind also in terms of doing it should twist your hands are not visible. Could be hidden behind the desk, or behind a cloth. In this case, the important thing is not blocked by other people among you who is being twisted by people who like to target. when obstructed by others, it could be the mantra peletnya not work.
     One more thing, in doing the twist, to consider, among other fingers should not be in contact with the finger and thumb Tengan used for twisted pepper.

Man Pajaro Ghoiro Khosiroh (read on until the mission is complete)

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

pellets sinduka

It is the mantra of loving wisdom of java, serves as a loving and will result in the target audience would wet dream with us ... This science of reading before bed, preferably an emphatic memorized, so when I read no mention of going wrong, read while her face ..


SUKMA SEJATINE SI…..............

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Disposing of the implant

Implant types are very diverse, some made of gold, gems, diamonds, diamond, stone, wood, leaves, fruits, water and even binatang.Jika readers often hear the term Samber candles, we are posting the above photo is a picture of an insect-like animals called Samber candles, animals, many believed a psychic when combined with his knowledge could be used as implant ghoib 

The procedure for implant removal

1. Available mineral water, aqua, and the like may

2.Mencegah eat and drink early in the day for 3 consecutive days, in the evening to do a special prayer intention intent to dispose of your implant

3.Sembahyang special 2 rekaat, conducted starting at 11:00 at night after prayers read sholawat prophet "Allohuma sholli alaa sayidiina  Muhammad wabarik wasalim" as much as 333x, 111x as much as Creed, Inalillahi waina Ilaihi roji'un closed as much as 99X, and reading as much as 77x surotul Fatehah . before the dhikr of mineral water that you prepare as well as dhikr always taken for 3 consecutive nights

4 After berdoar breathed into mineral water by reading Basmallah, Creed and seek forgiveness 3x respectively. At last, taken on the third day maghrib prayer and leave the water mixed in a bucket to wash bath. Insyaalloh implant you use any type will fall to his immediately.

Note: Usually, each implant was prohibition, when abstinence implant definitely be eaten away by itself, but most of which occurred only missing ghoibnya to the object is still there. Do not worry by the way above the implant will fall sebenda-object.

Implant Teaser

Implant Teaser: How to Quickly Attract the Opposite Sex

Implant as a Tool Teaser Its pretty well known among the public is implant. For some people, implants are believed to make the body a glowing aura and can be profitable.

In the modern era of the all as it is now, in fact supernatural world also changes. In fact, there are still many people who entered into a world full of mystery. Including those who believe in the power of the implant.

Implant, in general, refers to the object - a particular object that is inserted into the body. The goal sorts â € "of sorts.

In essence, the implant is a medium which is believed to pave the desire of users, such as more beautiful, more beloved, or more bold. The presence of the implant as a trusted bring various advantages, of course, invited a number of controversies.

Many scholars and religious leaders even mengharamkannya, because it involves a supernatural group of the devil into the body. The use of implants can also affect a person's risk more trust in a particular matter in comparison to the creator. It also makes a lot of people who do not want to come in contact with implant use. Moreover, installation is very strong magical.

On the other hand, others consider the use of natural implant. Of course, a variety of risks, particularly with regard to the rules of religion, should be borne by the implant users. The use of implants as a sort of intermediary to smooth human desires, it is quite difficult to prove with logic. Especially when accompanied by a number of prerequisites implant use, such as abstaining from certain foods or may not be passed to a particular place.

Lure - lure the sniper efficacy for implant users, making the implant is considered an effective way to streamline the expectations. Moreover, the confidence that most of womanhood lies in the mere physical. This makes the implant more demand.

The installer implant admitted most visited women, although some men who believe in the magical power of this one. They come from the artists, models, up to officials. In fact, sex workers are also many who believe in the efficacy of the implant as a decoy.

Logically, it is difficult to describe how small object that is inserted into the body that has such great benefits. However, those who use implants, anyway .. Remained steadfast in his belief, especially young hookers who rely on physical as a decoy.

Although the use of implants to invite controversy, particularly from the point of view of religion, but one thing that is still widely used, especially by women. In addition to want to look beautiful glow, some are using the implant to decoy. Implant as a decoy, is quite popular among sex workers. They feel more confident in the pick up customers, although required to comply with various restrictions.

The sex worker is a potential market-related implant. The reason is quite simple and short impressed. That is, to lure the masher easily. Groups of commercial sex workers this one did not even hesitate to increase the number of paired implant into the body, including the most private area though.

Group sex workers assume implant more economical, though the cost of installing each implant average - average more than 300 thousand dollars. The reason, the implant is more practical and more efficacious than when beautifying themselves through salon - beauty salon.

The sex worker is a potential market-related implant. The reason is quite simple and short impressed. That is, to lure the masher easily. Groups of commercial sex workers this one did not even hesitate to increase the number of paired implant into the body, including the most private area though.

Group sex workers assume implant more economical, though the cost of installing each implant average - average more than 300 thousand dollars. The reason, the implant is more practical and more efficacious than when beautifying themselves through salon - beauty salon.

Implant, basically the spark of confidence among hookers. Get money by all means make them forget that basically every human being has its own unique appeal and different with others.

Thus, it could be, the men who were lured by the attraction of sex workers is not for wearing the implant. But precisely because of this attitude that sex workers are increasingly inviting the audience of the apparent novelty. Then, how to get implants that?? How to pair?

Many ways that people do to get the implant. Besides visited a psychic who is well known by word of mouth, in today's already too much advertising on the mass media related implant. So, people who still believe in the mystical powers, can use it with relative ease. Groups of hunters implant, indeed willing to take all means to find someone - the pair implant expert.

Ads of the implant to be one way to get in touch with the implant mounting.

Not by contacting via telephone only, hunters implants are also willing to travel a relatively long way just to get the material he wanted, including to rural areas. Of course, for hunters implant, it was worth the sacrifice - useless.

In rural areas as we search in a village in the Cianjur, West Java, figure fixing implants look different with the paranormal. Mounting implant comes with a religious figure, despite the ritual used to implant is attached to the mystical world.

On the other hand, seems to continue to develop paranormal mysticism related to this implant. For example, eliminating the usual restrictions defined for the users of the implant.

In addition, the implant is no longer just a matter of planting some of the elements such as metal, mineral or organic, but the form of positive energy transfer.

Competition among penggelut supernatural world is getting tougher too. Thus, they were racing to bring a variety of recent discoveries about things - things that are mystical.

Of course, it is difficult to determine the most reliable and most accurate. Everything was shrouded in mystery defies the logic generally, especially when juxtaposed with religious teachings.

Moreover, many owners implants instead falls back on a life of uncertainty, such as the lack of respect the ties of love and easy divorce and remarriage, because they thought love was so easy to grab.

Believe it or not at the magic. Most importantly, it should not be misused for things - things that hurt.

Kamis, 29 November 2012

Pelet Semar Mesem

Semar pellets are pellets Mesem ancient Javanese nourishment from the soil is well-known potent to subdue women. Semar pellets Mesem this proven and tested nutritional able subdue and conquer the woman you love, enough with your smiles capital.
Semar pellets pellets Mesem is one powerful high level very nice to make your partner crazy addict, people will go with the wearer subjected her bow. The hit will miss and reflected shadow with you day and night, and want to see you. Do not turn up a day seemed a week, do not turn up a week seemed a month. People you direction or target you will want to see you turn your half dead and so homesick.
Pellets formula Mesem Semar Semar means smile the, Semar is a highly authoritative figure, respected, and the like where where and like to help each other. And have the authority and influence of his aura of love is very high. Semar pellets ijazahkan Mesem we are equipped with mini keris mesem Semar, as your grip and healthy can make you look attractive and you like the opposite sex.
Semar Mesem formula is one of the pellets and the popular mantra that many are among society as a mantra to subdue a person's heart, even if that person does not have love. People will be so missed and terbayang2 with you. No wonder ajian Semar is very lively mesem used as pellets within NSA, as well as Rocking horse formula.
Though many mesem Semar mantra familiar, but very rarely do that know and master certain of this mesem ajian Semar. Therefore, we intend to help you to grasp 100% correct. Plus with her charms. Kris mini mesem Semar.
With this Mesem Semar pellets, then the intended person will smile so the request directly fascinated and attracted to you. Every word you utter words that will be trusted by the target, your smile will look attractive and seductive. Even if she does not know you.

Niat ingsun amtek ajiku semar mesem,
mut-mut anku inten,
cahyaning manjing ing pilinganku kiwa tengen,
sing nyawang kegiwang,
opo maneh jabang bayine......... teka welas teka asih marang jabang bayiku.

Fasting mutih 7 days and starch geni day and night

Rabu, 28 November 2012

History of Pellet

That said, the science of pellets which is also famous for its Pengasihan a mystical culture and tradition and culture is heavily influenced by the public trust in the things occult. In fact, according to information, almost every country has a culture and a culture or cool to say, every state and territory have knowledge of each pellet.

Originally, the pellets are popular in Java (East Java, Central Java - Yogyakarta, West Java) have no sense of the word. And science or magic, now known as the pellets are apparently taken from a legend very popular in the 1970s era of the Radio Drama Nini Pelet from Mount Ceremai. So the real science does not have a specific name until the early '80s.

While in other areas, there are many terms to lure the opposite sex is science, including:

  •      Sumatra Malay called philtre.
  •      Minang aspect called Pitunang.
  •      Tanah Batak called Dorma.
  •      West Kalimantan called Kundang.
  •      East Kalimantan is called Pitunduk.
But not far away, most of the pellets science is done with a variety of rituals, spells and or using writings (amulet).
If judging by history, science affects the feelings of the opposite sex has been present in Indonesia since the days of ancient Javanese, and is classified as a stream of black magic, although many claim that science also has a stream of white pellets, on the grounds using the verses in religious scriptures-religion, such as the science of pellets from the Quran and so on. But clearly, in religion, especially Islam and Christian-Catholic states, every action in the form of magical activity is a great sin and unclean.

But whereas in the culture and ancient culture, but it was not a few people who have much more modern education still believe in things like this. It is no secret, so many officials to artists who use pellets and implants to look more dignified, beautiful, attractive and makes people fascinated or fall in love.

In science and modern science, the science of pellets phenomenon is very difficult to describe, because it is obvious, or the base lines of thought these two very opposite, that science uses logic and reason, while the science of pellets using things magical and mystical, as mystical and mysterious a werewolf.

Minggu, 25 November 2012

Sabuk Mangir

Mangir not just any seat belt. Wearing this belt makes you like a man's dream, no woman will be turned away from you. All you need to do is to shake him and the woman will stick like a postage stamp. Mmhh ...?
But not just anyone can wear this belt; existing conditions that must be met. Those who are interested to learn and acquire spell Mangir belt, as usual penance and fasting should not engage in intercourse with the opposite sex for 40 consecutive days.
Then they have to do tirakatan or hold salvation in the neighborhood. In order to complete this spell. Perfection Mangir belt will have mystical powers and extraordinary supernatural powers. Although the ritual ceremony is very simple, but they must be done in earnest and full heart keikhlasaan, so it will have a high level of efficacy.
A maker Mangir belt, then carve the tattoo on a piece of white cloth that has been given a special oil. By giving rajah on a piece of cloth, the author was able to move the strength, and magical power.
Is the efficacy of these Mangir belt? You must make sure that the strength of the belt is the same as the power Mangir gendam science. Both can make a person unconscious and helpless.
The trick is to get the girl to shake. Only by shaking, then the girl will lose consciousness and will only remember the wearer's belt Mangir. She will not be able to forget the wearer's belt and made Mangir 'intoxicated.'
The way it works is very simple. With this Mangir belt you can make a girl can not forget you only shake hands with him. While the heart chant devoted to her hero's. And certainly, not how long he would like confusion pacing in front of the house.

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Wet Dreams Teaser Women Studies

Pellets Natural Sciences dream is a powerful science of pellets to get someone to always imagined shadows, love, affection, submissive and obedient to you.People affected by pellet was then that person will always dream of you so that he will feel the passionate longing.

By mastering this knowledge you can make the person you want to dream of making out with you, so that he will feel the pleasure of your own to add more and more passionate longing

Prayer Wet Dream

Rocking horse pellets

rocking horse pellets are the most powerful pellet Java land that has been known to foreign countries, with just a little ritual, the guarantee intended definitely the craziest crazy and look for you. no need to use victimizing, no need to wear offerings. only fasting alone can. in a matter of hours and days, certainly the craziest crazy destination with the help of this rocking horse pellets.

Pellets are a rare type of pellets, they should be with pengijasahaan so if you want to take back their knowledge to do by teachers mengijasahkannya.

Aji is a science Pengasihan Jaran Goyang very powerful, but when used by a person not responsible for the woman who becomes the target will suffer deep longing. Suffering will not end if you have not met or have intercourse with the perpetrator.

Here's charms:









Here's How:

Perform mutih fasting for 7 days with mutih ngepel, meaning each open only eat 3 white lump of rice and 1 degree water.
Mantra read at 11x midnight, dawn 21x, 41x sinking sun.
imagine when reading the spell in question or that person staring at the photo.
Last night someone reads spells hands of the night as much as 111x.

But in this modern era, science has grown pellets were more practical. As has been practiced Ki Kusumo supernatural teacher, he could transfer ajiannya to customers from a distance without having to fast again.

He said:

At the time of this spell every night run target will be approached by the shadow of the holy spirit Laduni running. Last Day of the target will be the craziest crazy.

Kamis, 22 November 2012

Lintrik Witchcraft

 Science facts LintrikScience is a science Pengasihan lintrik high level media Ceki cards or playing cards (cards dutch), which is used for science or witchcraft mempelet someone to fall in love so remember continue at any moment to anyone who has mempeletnya. This science is a kind of science's most famous Pengasihan Javanese society, especially in East Java, where science is believed to have magic power very powerful compared to other types Pengasihan science and science level witchcraft.
Science is mostly owned by the shaman women, but also many shamans lintrik the men. People affected lintrik science will continue to remember the person who has used her point, and if it does not meet with the person he would dizzy head and very depressed mind to want to meet. And if you've met the person in question will be immediately relieved, but if it will split again extremely dizzy again, and so on. But those affected by the attacks lintrik certainly reluctant to treat, because it is the influence of science.
Science is able to repatriate a person who was outside the country quickly, for example, was working as migrant workers or migrant workers abroad. People will be sick and dizzy head thinking if it does not immediately go home to meet people who have menguna-to him, but he did not feel that was used-to. Even the people affected will lintrik looked dazed or confused, as is often the case rumors about the science of pellets this legendary island of Java.
The origin of Sciences lintrikScience is not known since when science is used, but at least we can be sure that this science has existed since the Dutch colonial era, because science is wearing Dutch media cards (playing cards). Science lintrik commonly dubbed as black magic, because it uses the power of spirits or demons. This knowledge is demonstrated by means of burning incense to bring spirits to be consulted by the shaman.
In Javanese society, often circulated myth that a person has knowledge lintrik divorce and so on. But many people do not believe that Java will it, because the story does not quite make sense or superstition. But after all this science is still believed to exist and its value is recognized by many people. A shaman lintrik be more famous names than ten ordinary shamans.
Science is studied in a way that is not too difficult, because only capital bravery. Someone who studied lintrik only takes a month to do the ritual absorption of knowledge with the guidance of a teacher. But before the student has to get a lesson on ways to practice their knowledge in the future, by memorizing how to calculate the forecast using the dutch card or cards. Where these forecasts will serve to determine whether the victim has been exposed to science or not.
Actually forecast lintrik version using the Dutch card is merely psychological lessons to train sensitivity or sharpness of the mind of a student to read someone's mind remotely. So he can foresee other people's minds because of the psychological skills that have been trained, not because science lintriknya. So lintrik real science only serves to influence the minds of people from a distance, not to predict the victim.
Learning Ritual Science LintrikPupils are guided by a teacher to master this science must steal lintrik playing cards using the left hand, is more advisable steals on Friday and stolen card is a card that would be used over gambling. Loot card should not be seen by the opposite sex forever. If it ever dilhat playing cards by the opposite sex after stolen, then science lintriknya not be efficacious or not powerful at all.
Done stealing cards, next Friday night ritual knowledge absorption begins. Recommended ritual held on Friday evening or Friday legi kliwon, because both days were believed to have its own advantages. At midnight the student walking backward toward the grave by the naked holding playing cards wrapped in a shroud mori or the rest of the dead ex. Playing cards held with the left hand and not be seen until the first ritual is completed.
Once dikuburan, card planted one inch deep in one of the tombs belonged to a shaman lintrik also deceased, in terms of Java called nyecep ngelmu (suck science). At the time of this ritual should not be no one to see, including the teacher himself. Finish planting of playing cards a former shaman burial lintrik, new home should walk forward as usual, but it should not meet with anyone until the teacher arrives home.
At night jum; at the same time next month again held the second ritual, the cards are finished making planted for a month to take home. Rituals performed the same as the first ritual, the barefoot and walking backward with no one who saw it. This second ritual is the key to the success of graduation or a student to gain knowledge lintrik. This second ritual will fail or canceled if the student fled when he saw the ghosts grave dwellers who want to greet him. But it's just temptation, but sometimes people can run lelaku by the fear that is in himself, because he saw the trees will look like a ghost because of her fears. Therefore people who studied this should get adequate mental penggemblengan from the teacher, because science is capitalized courage.
Done ritual of playing cards that have been slightly damaged due to be planted during this month will be the ritual again by the teacher, in terms of Java Card is being cooked. That card is placed in the gendok (basin made of clay that contains rice bran) and given offerings and burned incense. Done this last ritual card is ready to use for anyone to use-will be stored and can not be seen by the opposite sex. If you want to menguna-to person, the card is pretty mixed together photos or clothes is a given offerings and burned incense and chanting certain, then the person in question will be affected knowledge.
Cards that have been cooked can be traded to other types, and can be used to of using any kind, as long as has not been seen by the opposite sex. This card can also be used to treat people affected by lintrik or any of quack science Pengasihan others. In addition, this card also has the magic power of the other to its owner, the power in the punch. While some people say that the card owner lintrik if hitting people may vomit blood or some kind of witchcraft.
How to Avoid Attacks LintrikLintrik is in the category of sorcery, which is recognized in Islamic teachings about the existence of magic. To avoid being hit by lintrik from someone who wanted to bully us, there are two kinds of the most basic thing to do.
First, we need to draw closer to God both physically and spiritually, because the closer to God is the most secure.Secondly, we must be able to maintain behavior towards fellow human beings, especially the words that offend the opposite sex, be it for men or women. Because speech is a powerful weapon that can save us, and also may harm us.

Lintrik is one of the science of pellets that have been known in the island of Java, where, how its performance using playing cards as alatnaya media. Science lintrik by some people believed to have magical powers were so great, I wonder if lintrik attracted many people.
That science lintrik People affected will continue to remember the person who has used the point, when it did not meet with that person then he will experience dizziness, depressed thoughts continue untuksegera meet. However, when it meets with the person in question will be immediately relieved, but if it will split again experience dizziness back as usual before the meeting.
When science lintrik had entered, as the terkenak okan lintrik was like a daze, but thinking about something and he was conscious.

 The enormity of the magical powers contained in lintrik science, making the terkenak lintrik attacks will certainly reluctant and did not even want to be treated, because it is the influence of the discipline.
The influence of the power of very strong lintrik To avoid being exposed lintrik from someone, there are some simple ways to be done in order to avoid lintrik science, namely: As often as possible to get closer to God the almighty one both physically and spiritually. And as a social human being should be able to maintain behavior towards fellow human beings, especially words that offend the opposite sex, be it for men or women. Because speech is a powerful weapon that can save us, and also may harm us. 
That, little ways to avoid lintrik science
In the meantime, to treat people who already terkenak science can only mensarankan lintrik him to immediately be brought to people for the smart or the paranormal.