Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Science Twist Pepper Pellets

Besides being able to arouse sexual gaerah, twist pepper pellets are also able to bring a sense of affection and love for the ladies.
That benefit directly from the twist of pepper pellets when used by men.
Here we will explain ways to use the pepper pellets twist.

Take 1 piece of pepper that has been prepared beforehand.
Put by clamping between the fingers of both your right hand, which is clamped between the middle finger and thumb.
Bring forward your mouth. then recite the mantra peletnya 3 times. After reading last breath breathed as much as 3 times as well on the pepper that is still clamped with two fingers.
Please note, pepper, blowing with the breath of his mouth. Simultaneously breaths also directed to the woman who was about to go. And be careful in doing this should not be no one else is looking.
Further down your hand from the front of the mouth. Then started to twist the pepper was. Keep in mind also in terms of doing it should twist your hands are not visible. Could be hidden behind the desk, or behind a cloth. In this case, the important thing is not blocked by other people among you who is being twisted by people who like to target. when obstructed by others, it could be the mantra peletnya not work.
     One more thing, in doing the twist, to consider, among other fingers should not be in contact with the finger and thumb Tengan used for twisted pepper.

Man Pajaro Ghoiro Khosiroh (read on until the mission is complete)